Northern NJ TBI Model System
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation
W. Orange, NJ
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation
W. Orange, NJ
Telephone: 973-243-3600
Project Director: Mitchell Rosenthal, Ph.D.
Communicate with the center director
Project Director: Mitchell Rosenthal, Ph.D.

NNJTBIS is a comprehensive set of projects designed to improve the quality of care for people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in New Jersey and to answer selected research questions. In both research and development projects, the NNJTBIS emphasizes the interplay of medical, neuropsychological, social, and economic factors. Three small randomized clinical trials include: an intervention program to train caregivers to manage behavior problems in the home or other natural settings, a program of cognitive remediation and cognitive-behavioral therapy for people with TBI living in the community, and an improvement to a cognitive remediation program involving enhanced choice by the person with TBI. Other research addresses issues of: how to improve outcome measures by incorporating the expressed values and perceptions of people served, financial issues and costs, the implications of violence in the etiology of TBI, substance abuse, and consequences of delay or refusal of Medicaid coverage for people with severe TBI injuries. Demonstration projects fill gaps in vocational rehabilitation in New Jersey by providing augmented work trials and education of vocational rehabilitation counselors regarding TBI, develop trial cognitive remediation and social support tools for the Internet, and educate emergency room personnel regarding mild TBI. Educational offerings for people with TBI, their families, and professionals are provided through conferences, retreats, talks, support groups, and development of a TBI resource center. Local advisory boards advise System staff, and plans include a task force to improve the system of care in New Jersey. The project currently manages the national statistics database for the Model TBI System projects. Additional goals include coordinating research and dissemination activities with other NIDRR TBI grantees to optimize research output, minimize redundancy of effort, and engage in collaborative dissemination.
NNJTBIS is a comprehensive set of projects designed to improve the quality of care for people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in New Jersey and to answer selected research questions. In both research and development projects, the NNJTBIS emphasizes the interplay of medical, neuropsychological, social, and economic factors. Three small randomized clinical trials include: an intervention program to train caregivers to manage behavior problems in the home or other natural settings, a program of cognitive remediation and cognitive-behavioral therapy for people with TBI living in the community, and an improvement to a cognitive remediation program involving enhanced choice by the person with TBI. Other research addresses issues of: how to improve outcome measures by incorporating the expressed values and perceptions of people served, financial issues and costs, the implications of violence in the etiology of TBI, substance abuse, and consequences of delay or refusal of Medicaid coverage for people with severe TBI injuries. Demonstration projects fill gaps in vocational rehabilitation in New Jersey by providing augmented work trials and education of vocational rehabilitation counselors regarding TBI, develop trial cognitive remediation and social support tools for the Internet, and educate emergency room personnel regarding mild TBI. Educational offerings for people with TBI, their families, and professionals are provided through conferences, retreats, talks, support groups, and development of a TBI resource center. Local advisory boards advise System staff, and plans include a task force to improve the system of care in New Jersey. The project currently manages the national statistics database for the Model TBI System projects. Additional goals include coordinating research and dissemination activities with other NIDRR TBI grantees to optimize research output, minimize redundancy of effort, and engage in collaborative dissemination.
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