University of Alabama
Birmingham, AL
Project Director: Thomas Novack

Clinical Description
Comprehensive rehabilitation: Comprehensive brain injury rehabilitation in the UAB TBI Model System is provided within the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation located at Spain Rehabilitation Center (SRC), which is located in the midst of the UAB Hospital complex. SRC presently has 54 beds in operation with 9 beds housed on a secure unit specifically designated for use by individuals with TBI. SRC is physically connected to other components of University Hospital via an enclosed walkway. All therapies for UAB Hospitals are housed at SRC. Admission to SRC is based on ability to tolerate (and preferably participate in) 3 hours of therapy (PT, OT, ST) a day and physical limitations that prevent independent ambulation for at least 150 ft. A viable discharge plan is expected to be in place prior to transfer. The typical duration of stay is about 3 weeks.
Post-Acute Services in Rehabilitation: The Outpatient PM&R clinic, located on first floor of SRC, includes EMG laboratories and houses the Spasticity Clinical Program. The Constraint Induced Therapy (CIT) Laboratory is also located at SRC. Also located in this building are outpatient services in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, neuropsychology, and rehabilitation medicine. All patients discharged from the Brain Injury Unit are followed in the outpatient clinic until there are no additional medical or neuropsychology rehabilitation needs. Integrated PT, OT, ST, vocational and psychological services are provided. There is no formal neurobehavioral program in Alabama, although our physiatrists assist people with medication management and our neuropsychologist provides counseling as necessary. In the absence of a formal post-acute programs, alternative service delivery models have been developed. The Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS) provides services through the Interactive Community Based Model, which involves the interventions of ADRS in the homes of people with TBI following discharge from the hospital. The Alabama Head Injury Foundation (AHIF) also sponsors Service Coordinators to assist people with TBI and their families to identify and access services in their local communities.
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