Abstract: Recovery from TBI involves multiple processes occurring at different times post-injury. Outcome studies have been performed extensively, predominately utilizing the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). The GOS is limited in its measure of outcome by its broad categories; included within a single category may be a wide differential in burden of care, cost, functional level, and social interaction. Studies assessing the relationship of potentially predictive factors to functional outcomes and quality of life are lacking. This study investigates the relationship of premorbid, injury-related and post-injury related factors to function and quality of life.
Primary research hypotheses: 1)Functional outcomes and perceived quality of life at one year post-injury are associated with a) serum glucose levels during the first 24 hours post-injury, b) metropolitan area versus non-metropolitan area residence, c) access to transportation, and d) blood alcohol level at the time of injury. 2) Perceived quality of life at one year post-injury is directly correlated with functional outcome (measured by Functional Independence Measure), motor recovery (presence of residual hemiplegia), and cognitive recovery (residual neuropsychologic deficits), and other injury-related
Primary outcome measures: Disability Rating Scale, Functional Independence Measure, Rancho score, Glasgow Outcome Scale, employment, Quality of Well Being Scale, Satisfaction With Life Scale, Community Integration Questionnaire, Supervision Rating Scale, Neurobehavioral Functioning Index.
Registry Project Number: 123 Lead Investigator: Hammond, F Lead Center for Project: Carolinas Rehabilitation Collaborating Investigators: Norton, H, Phillips, V, Johnston, M Collaborating Institutions: Emory University/Shepherd Center, Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation Expected Completion: 09/30/2007 Type: National Status of Project: Latest Information Shown |
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