Useful field of view (UFOV) has been an effective assessment tool of attention for driving safety. This study compared the findings of the UFOV Test with those of conventional neuropsychologic tests to determine the utility of the UFOV Test as a measure of attention in an acute rehabilitation inpatient population with brain injury. Results indicated that the UFOV subtest UF2 correlated strongly with two other UFOV subtests, UF1 and UF3. Also, the UF2 subtest correlated strongly with neuropsychological paper-pencil tests of visual attention. The UF2 subtests predicted 52% of Functional Independence Measure(FIM) change and 60% of inpatient length of stay (LOS) variance second only to FIM admission scores, which predicted 75% and 80% of FIM change and LOS variance respectively.
Registry Project Number: 332 Lead Investigator: Calvanio, R Lead Center for Project: Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Keywords: neuropsychology, traumatic brain injury, technology, attention Date of Completion: 09/01/2003 Type: Local Status of Project: Latest Information Shown |
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