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Peer-Mentoring for Survivors of TBI and their Significant Others: A Model of Social Support

This study is a randomized controlled trial of a peer-mentoring program for both survivors and their caregivers. The focus of this study is to determine the efficacy of a peer-mentoring program and to examine the relationship of this mentoring program to three main outcome areas: 1) knowledge and skills regarding access to resources and services; 2) quality of life; and 3) community integration. Moderators of successful peer-mentoring such as injury severity, co-morbid physical disease, education, neuropsychological status of the survivor, coping style, and personality/emotional factors will also be examined. A participatory action framework will be employed for the program, as well as for implementation, dissemination, and evaluation.

Registry Project Number: 400
Lead Investigator: Hanks, R
Lead Center for Project: Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan
Collaborating Investigators: Black, K, Wertheimer, J, Rapport, L, Koviak, C, Wood, D
Date of Completion: 09/16/2004
Type: Local
Status of Project: Latest Information Shown

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Registry Dataset accessed Monday, September 25, 2006 6:45am
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