Subjective Well-being in the First Two Years Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Purpose: Examine predictors of life satisfaction one and two years post-injury.
Design: Prospective, longitudinal study of patients with TBI followed at one and two years post-injury. Replication of a single center study using data from the TBI Model Systems dataset. Univariate regression models will be calculated first. Those variables
that account for at least 1% of variance will be included in subsequent stepwise linear regression models.
Current status: Data has been compiled.
Registry Project Number: 403 Lead Investigator: Corrigan, J Lead Center for Project: Ohio State University Collaborating Investigators: Bogner, J, Hammond, F, Sander, A, Whiteneck, G, Kreutzer, J Collaborating Institutions: Carolinas Rehabilitation, The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia Date of Completion: 09/16/2005 Type: National Status of Project: Latest Information Shown |
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