Archived Projects of the TBINDC Registry by Researchers Last Name
1 archived project available at this time for H Sasser

Does the Use of Half-point Scores Increase the Sensitivity of the Disability Rating Scale?
Abstract: In 1994, the TBI Model System changed the Disability Rating Scale (DRS) scoring from whole to half points. Half points are now utilized for the Cognitive Ability for Self Care, Level of Functioning, and Employability Items when the whole-point definitions are not adequate. Total half-point scores are rounded down to the better whole score category when using the established disability categories. This change was implemented to increase sensitivity of the DRS. However, no study has been conducted regarding the impact of this new scoring as compared to the traditional whole-point scoring, which is the purpose of this study... more
Investigators: Hammond F, Grattan K, Sasser H, Bushnik T, Wagner Jr. F view full
Lead Center: Carolinas Rehabilitation
Collaborating Centers: Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
1 archived project available at this time for H Sasser

National Traumatic Brain Injury Live Syllabus v2.00.00
Registry Dataset accessed Sunday, February 5, 2006 11:59am
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