Archived Projects of the TBINDC Registry by Researchers Last Name
Identification and evaluation of interventions to improve vocational outcomes and community integration
Abstract: This project examines the effectiveness of postacute rehabilitation interventions to improve vocational outcomes and community integration following TBI.... more
Investigators: High Jr. W, Sander A, Sherer M view full
Lead Center: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
Collaborating Centers: Methodist Rehabilitation Center
Key predictors of rehab outcome: functional and neuropsych measures
Abstract: This study examines the concurrent validity of neuropsychological meausures and functional outcome as measured by productivity on the CIQ.... more
Investigators: High Jr. W, Sander A, Stuchen M, Sherer M, Novack T, Schraa J view full
Lead Center: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
Collaborating Centers: Methodist Rehabilitation Center, University of Alabama, Craig Hospital
Impact of urban vs. rural residence on outcome after TBI
Abstract: We predict that rural residents will be found to have poorer rehabilitation outcomes than urban residents. We predict that this difference will be partially predicted by time from injury to presentation to Model System emergency room, initial severity of injury, and early neurosurgical management. We also expect that the longer distances to obtain follow-up services, more missed appointments, and lower socioeconomic status will make additional contributions to predicting differences in rehabilitation outcome for rural vs. urban residents. These findings will have implications for development of new models of service provision for rural residents... more
Investigators: Sherer M, High Jr. W view full
Lead Center: Methodist Rehabilitation Center
Collaborating Centers: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
Community integration and life satisfaction in TBI from violent etiologies
Abstract: Violence is the second leading cause of injury for patients treated in the TBIMS. This study will examine the community integration of individuals who sustain gunshot wounds (GSWs), assaults, and high velocity injuries in motor vehicle accidents (MVAs). It will also compare satisfaction with life for individuals with violence-related TBIs with those of other etiologies... more
Investigators: Bushnik T, High Jr. W, Hanks R, Kreutzer J, Boake C view full
Lead Center: Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Collaborating Centers: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia
Length of stay in inpatient rehabilitation: does it make a difference in outcome
Abstract: The objective is to investigate whether the length of TBI inpatient rehabilitation stay has an impact on functional outcomes at discharge from rehabilitation and one year post-injury in comparable groups. This comparison is relevant because the managed care environment has brought about shorter inpatient rehabilitation stays determined by reimbursement rather than level of disability... more
Investigators: Bushnik T, High Jr. W, Hanks R, Kreutzer J view full
Lead Center: Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Collaborating Centers: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia
Ethnicity and Employment Outcome after TBI
Abstract: Previous investigations have shown that minority persons have poorer employment outcomes after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The present investigation seeks to investigate associated factors that contribute to these poorer outcomes. Based on prior research, we expect that the poorer outcomes for minority persons will be largely medicated by education level, pre-injury employment status, cause of injury, and other factors... more
Investigators: Sherer M, Sander A, Nick T, High Jr. W, Rosenthal M, Hanks R, Hart T view full
Lead Center: Methodist Rehabilitation Center
Collaborating Centers: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation, Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan
Premorbid psychosocial status and functional measures at inpatient rehabilitation admission as predictors of functional outcome, community integration, psychosocial status and satisfaction with life
Abstract: The objective of this study is to better characterize the predictive abilities of premorbid factors, the DRS, and the FIM at inpatient rehabilitation admission with regard to status on various domains at discharge and at one year post-injury. It would significantly assist the clinician/case manager to know the predictive abilities of these scales, which are often the only ones available at inpatient admission, in order to better assess likely outcome in the short- and long-term... more
Investigators: Bushnik T, Rosenthal M, Kreutzer J, High Jr. W, Wright J view full
Lead Center: Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Collaborating Centers: Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation, Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia, The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research

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Registry Dataset accessed Saturday, February 4, 2006 8:24pm
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