Average number of hours per week usually worked at all paid competitive jobs (minimum wage or greater) in the month prior to injury. *
Includes illegal employment (see V111a for more information and for data collection instructions).
?? Hours per week
777 Refused
888 NA-not currently competitively employed
999 Unknown
Fractions are to be rounded to the nearest whole number. 0.5 should be rounded upward.
Code actual number of hours per week
only for those cases coded 05 (competitively employed) in either the primary or secondary status of variable 111a (employment status), otherwise this variable must be coded 88.
If patient was employed more than 98 hours per week, code as 98 hours.
If patient works two jobs, add all hours together to code.
If data collector does not ask this question because the participant was illegally employed, code "999=Unknown".
Patient was employed 37.5 hours per week.
Traumatic Brain Injury Model System National Database Live Syllabus V10.3
Monday, September 25, 2006 10:30am .
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