History of TBI occurring prior to the current TBI for which the patient is being treated.
Traumatic brain injury is defined as damage to brain tissue caused by an external mechanical force as evidenced by: loss of consciousness due to brain trauma, or post traumatic amnesia (PTA), or skull fracture, or objective neurological findings that can be reasonably attributed to TBI on physical examination or mental status examination.
The patient must have been admitted to a hospital for treatment of this previous TBI.
Penetrating wounds with criteria listed above are included. Lacerations and/or bruises of the scalp or forehead without other criteria listed above are excluded. Primary anoxic encephalopathy is excluded.
Patient has no history of prior TBI.
QUESTION: On the pre-injury questionnaire, the question refers
only to "brain injury," not specifically traumatic. Is this a problem?
ANSWER: This difference is not important. The term "brain injury" is popularly used to refer to what the medical world refers to as
"traumatic brain injury". For example, newspaper descriptions of auto accidents refer to "brain injury" rather than "traumatic brain inury". Also, as commonly used, the term "brain injury" does not include damage due to non-traumatic causes. Newspaper descriptions of persons who have suffered brain damage due to inhaling fumes or being without oxygen refer to "brain damage" rather than "brain injury". (09-08-2005)

Traumatic Brain Injury Model System National Database Live Syllabus V10.3
Monday, September 25, 2006 10:32am .
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