Intracranial pressure that is equal to or greater than 20 millimeters of mercury.
1 No
2 Yes, less than or equal to 24 hours duration (i.e., intracranial pressure equal to or greater than 20 mm/Hg that fluctuates and improves to less than 20mm/Hg within 24 hours)
3 Yes, greater than 24 hours duration (i.e., intracranial pressure equal to or greater than 20 mm/Hg that fluctuates but peaks at or above 20 mm/Hg for greater than a 24 hour period).
4 Yes, sustained for greater than 24 hours duration (i.e., intracranial pressure remains equal to or greater than 20 mm/Hg continuously for greater than a 24 hours).
8 Not monitored
9 Unknown
Patient must have an ICP monitor in order to code this variable other than 8 - not monitored or 9 - unknown.
If intracranial pressure is measured in cmH2O, use the following conversion formula:
1 mmHg = 13.6 cmH2O
Patient's intracranial pressure fluctuated above and below 20 mm Hg for two days.

Traumatic Brain Injury Model System National Database Live Syllabus V10.3
Monday, September 25, 2006 10:31am .
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