Variable 273
date of last revision: 01/01/06
The reason for each patient rehospitalization since inpatient rehabilitation discharge or in the past year (whichever is shorter).
Code one reason for each rehospitalization

0 Rehabilitation (inpatient)
1 Seizures
2 Neurologic disorder (non-seizure)
3 Psychiatric
4 Infectious
5 Orthopedic
6 General Health Maintenance or OB/GYN
7 Other not specified above
8 Not applicable--no rehospitalizations or no further rehospitalizations
9 Unknown--rehospitalized but reason is unknown
* 66 Variable did not exist at time of data collection. [Used only with variables 273(3-5)]
99 Unknown if rehospitalized
2 numeric
This variable includes all types of hospitalizations (i.e., an inpatient stay in any hospital, whether part of a TBI Model System or not).

If more than *five hospitalizations, have your Medical Director prioritize which two to code.

Data for follow-ups prior to 10/1/99 will be recoded from text field to the categories above.

Prior to 1/1/02 the code "9=unknown" did not distinguish between "unknown if rehospitalized" and "unknown reason for rehospitalization". On 1/1/02 "9=unknown" was clarified to mean "unknown reason for rehospitalization". On 1/1/04 the code "99=unknown if rehospitalized" was added. Thus, between 1/1/02 and 1/1/04 there was no way to record rehospitalization for unknown reason.
Patient has been hospitalized twice since the last evaluation. Once for seizures related to TBI, and once for complications of diabetes.

01 06

Traumatic Brain Injury Model System National Database Live Syllabus V10.3
Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:52am  .   comments/questions?
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