Requirements to safely operate a motor vehicle require a complex interaction of skills (including motor skills, perceptual abilities, and cognitive abilities). TBI patients have a lower rate of relicensure than other impaired groups. Neuropsychological batteries used in the assessment of driving have not focused on higher order cognitive abilities (i.e., executive functioning). 71 adults who sustained moderate to severe brain injuries and their significant others (N = 142) where administered a Neuropsychological test battery, as well as the Patient Competency Rating Scale which was administered to the patient and the caregiver. Contrary to the skepticism regarding the utility of neuropsychological performance in the prediction of driving ability following brain injury, the results indicated that initial disability and a neuropsychological composite score showed modest correlations with miles driven post injury; however perceptions of patients' driving ability (PCRS Driving Item) by both the patients and their caregivers were strongly related to miles driven
Registry Project Number: 174 Lead Investigator: Coleman, R Lead Center for Project: Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan Collaborating Investigators: Ergh, T, Rapport, L, Hanks, R, Millis, S, Ricker, J, Koviak, C Collaborating Institutions: Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation Keywords: outcome, employment, service utilization, postacute care Date of Completion: 10/01/2000 Type: National Status of Project: Latest Information Shown |
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