Systematic Bias in Long-Term Outcome Studies due to Loss to Follow-up
Three longitudinal databases have been analyzed using parallel procedures. "Lost" subjects were defined as those who were eligible for follow-up but no information was collected from the person with TBI, or a proxy, for any reason (e.g. refused, expired, no response to contact, unable to be interviewed). Each database was analyzed separately for each follow-up year. Univariate analysis were first conducted to identify all variables in each dataset for which there was a difference (p
Registry Project Number: 208 Lead Investigator: Corrigan, J Lead Center for Project: Ohio State University Collaborating Investigators: Harrison-Felix, C, Bogner, J, Dijkers, M, Whiteneck, G, Terrill, M Date of Completion: 08/01/2001 Type: National Status of Project: Latest Information Shown |
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