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Neuromedical complications of persons treated in the traumatic brain injury model systems programs

This study aims to document the neuromedical complications and associated injuries of persons treated in the traumatic brain injury model systems programs. Several developments have occurred since the publication of Bontke et al’s paper on the similar topic in 1993, among them: 1) Increase in the number of model systems; 2) Further streamlining of emergency medical services; 3) Publication of the “Guidelines for the Management of Severe Head Injury” by the AANS; 4) Changes in managed care reflected by shorter length of stay in acute and rehabilitation hospitals; and 5) Use of new therapies for various neurologic and behavioral sequela of TBI Thus, it is likely that there will be a change in the incidence of complications previously listed in Bontke et al’s paper. The study will be a comprehensive survey of complications and associated injuries grouped by organ systems. It will also attempt to correlate the change in incidence in complications and associated injuries with changes in demographic and epidemiological patterns

Registry Project Number: 251
Lead Investigator: ,
Lead Center for Project: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
Keywords: traumatic brain injury, medical complications
Date of Completion: 09/01/2002
Type: National
Status of Project: Latest Information Shown

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