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Construct Validity of a Method of Detecting Prior TBI

Objective: Extend the validation of an instrument developed to assess the impact of a prior TBI on substance abuse treatment.

Subjects: Persons with TBI attending a substance abuse treatment program.

Design: Analyze the relationship between summary measures from the OSU TBI Identification Method that suggest a history of TBI and measures of cognitive and behavioral difficulties which could interfere with participation in substance abuse treatment.

Current status: Subject enrollment and data collection are ongoing.

Registry Project Number: 404
Lead Investigator: Corrigan, J
Lead Center for Project: Ohio State University
Collaborating Investigators: Bogner, J
Expected Completion: 09/30/2007
Type: Local
Status of Project: Latest Information Shown

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National Traumatic Brain Injury Live Syllabus v2.00.00
Registry Dataset accessed Monday, September 25, 2006 8:20am
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